Bronnen formeel en informeel leren
- Kyndt, E., Dochy, F., & Nijs, H. (2009). Learning conditions for non-formal and informal workplace learning. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(5), 369-383. DOI 10.1108/13665620910966785
- Kyndt, E., Govaerts, N., Verbeek, E., & Dochy, F. (2013). Development and validation of a questionnaire on informal workplace learning outcomes: A study among socio-educational care workers. British Journal of Social Work. DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bct056
- Kyndt, E., Govaerts, N., Versleegers, M., & Dochy, F. (Submitted). Factors influencing informal workplace learning: A meta-synthesis of research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.